Avatar: The Way of Water makes WAVES across WCHS

Avatar is a 2009 film directed by James Cameron that takes the title of one of the highest grossing movie of all time, with jaw-dropping visuals, astonishing 3D, and an the immersive world of Pandora; easily making more than 2.922 billion USD in the box office. Among making a huge impact on the cinematic industry and shocking profits, it turned the tides for feature film productions bringing back 3D film back into mainstream media.  Since its initial USA release on December 18, 2009, fans have been anxiously waiting for the successful film’s sequel and they will not need to wait much longer with a highly anticipated sequel set to be released December 16, 2022, with a rating of PG-13.

Film poster for Avatar: The way of Water ( Disney & 20th Century Studios (“Avatar: The Way of Water”)

The Avatar 2009 film takes place in the year 2154 on the lush alien planet of Pandora, Earth’s natural resources have been whipped out, making Earth nearly inhabitable for most life; leaving humans to try and colonize the alien planet Pandora. The advanced world is inhabited by the Na’vi; a race of sapient extraterrestrial humanoids. The planet of Pandora is unlike Earth in the meaning that Pandora’s environment is highly poisonous, human/Na’vi hybrids, called Avatars, must link their minds to the humans to achieve safe movement on the planet. Jake Sully (played by Sam Worthington) a paralyzed retired Marine, regains his ability to walk through such Avatar and falls in love with a Na’vi woman, Neytiri. As Jake explores the ways of the native Na’vi he must fight to keep their world alive. 

With the amount of marketing the upcoming film has been subjected to, it has surprised a fair number of people given it has been 13 years since the film came out. The hype the trailers have received is obvious with the first teaser trailer reaching over 25 million views 6 months ago and the latest full trailer reaching the high number of 39 million views posted 4 weeks ago yet some people are still surprised by the film being made.

Neytiri- Lead heroine in Avatar ( Disney & 20th Century Studios (“Avatar: The Way of Water”))

When questioned about their thoughts about the upcoming film, Senior student, Jessica Rodriguez responded with the following, “Seeing how the sequel came out years after the original movie, I think it takes people by surprise it also encourages others to watch to watch it.” The sudden announcement of a sequel did catch many fans off guard, yet it did not take long for excitement to build up in the hearts of fans. The first film defied countless odds, many companies throughout Hollywood thought the film would fail yet it did quite the opposite. 

Language arts teacher, Mr. Beson had some interesting comments when the films’ possible success was disputed, stating, “All films rated for general audiences, kids and adults usually do well, and the fact that it has an excellent brand. A lot of people are going to come in with grand expectations, so it has a high chance of selling insane sales, if it fails it is going to have negative effects on future films.” The film does have an extremely high chance of doing well, the film Avatar has a special place in the hearts of millions with new fans surely drawn to the excitement of this new film.

Interview subject, English teacher Mr. Beson (Fynn Dwyer)

Junior student, Ash Province states, “Pandora has so many unexplored areas, I just do not want to see the film trilogy get ruined by a rushed sequel. I don’t doubt it will be successful though. ” With a film as influential and groundbreaking as Avatar, the proposition of a sequel does make some people nervous.

Throughout cinematic history, Hollywood has made astonishing first films only to tarnish the first films reputation with a poorly made sequel. A great example of such an event would be the famous 1975 film, Jaws. The film made over $100 million in its first 59 days of public release, the film was a massive thriller success only to crash and burn with a Jaws: The Revenge. Many people fear the same will happen to Avatar: The Way of Water.

The main attitude towards the film over a wide variety of people, school staff and students alike; everyone can agree that the film will be a huge success even if it has negative reviews from some fans. There will be a broad variety of people flooding cinemas all over the world to see the new film with the sequel being predicted to earn $649 million at the Domestic Box Office alone.

Regardless of whether people are excited, nervous or both there is one thing everyone can agree on; the film will be successful. Whether the film is good or bad according to viewers, everyone stated that people will watch the film anyway. People will hound the theaters driven by curiosity, excited to see what awaits for the world of Pandora and what’s next for Jake Sully. And with the films ratings being for wider variety of people, the theaters will be crowded with people of all ages anxiously awaiting for opening night. 

Support the local Grove theater to see Avatar: The Way of Water, December 16, 2022! Use your student passes to get a discount on movie tickets, snacks, and beverages.