Everything You Need to Know About Florida Midterms

Florida midterms have just ended, and students, voters, parents, and teachers are all on the edge of their seats figuring out who won what.

Let’s start with the basic elections, such as Governor. Incumbent Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is facing off against Charlie Crist (D). Ron DeSantis’s platform has mainly been, as he describes, protecting parental rights, promoting pro-military and pro-veteran policies, curbing inflation, standing up for election integrity, and defending Floridian families. Charlie Crist’s platform has been protecting reproductive freedom, voting rights, “aggressively begin recruiting teachers and education support staff,” along with promoting a one million dollar solar roof plan. The last polling before the election began had Ron DeSantis at 53.3% and Charlie Crist at 42.6%, a seemingly clear lead for the incumbent governor. At 11:03 P.M. Eastern Time, AP News published an article calling the election for Ron DeSantis, who won 59.4% and received 4,607,597+ votes, compared to Charlie Crist, who took 40% and received 3,100,603+ votes.

This is what Ron DeSantis had to say about the victory some Floridians have described as a “statewide red wave”,

“I have fought the good fight,” DeSantis said. “I have finished the race in this first term, and I have kept the faith!” He continued: “We have accomplished more than anybody thought possible four years ago, but we’ve got so much more to do — and [echoing John Paul Jones’ famous quote] I have only begun to fight.”

For our local congress election, Incumbent representative Gus Bilirakis (R) is going against Kimberly Walker (D). Gus Bilirakis has run a campaign focusing on strong national defense, reforming the tax code, protecting religious freedoms, stopping illegal immigration, and fiscal reforms to benefit seniors along with stopping social security cuts that harm them. Meanwhile, his opponent Kimberly Walker has run a campaign supporting the Affordable Healthcare Act, creating clean energy jobs to combat environmental problems, codifying Roe v. Wade, defending the Safe Schools Improvement Act (the policies in the bill prohibit bullying and harassment based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or religion.), increasing corporate taxes, and banning the sale and distribution of assault weapons. With 99% ballots counted, Gus Bilirakis has been projected to win with 70.4% of the vote compared to Kimberly Walker with 29.6% of the vote so far.

In the Senate, we’ve got an important election going on with Marco Rubio (R), who is facing off against Val Demings (D). Rubio has run a campaign of defending traditional, moderate Republican values, such as lowering taxes and increased sanctions on Iran. He does not currently have a website that lists his campaign policies, but he introduced the SAFE Hospitals Act to modernize Medicaid DSH and help hospitals providing to low-income patients, and voted against S 2093 “For the People Act of 2021” that expands voter registration, sets forth provisions related to election security, and addresses campaign finance.

Val Demings, his opponent, has run on a campaign of lowering the cost of prescription drugs, cutting middle class taxes, ending offshore drilling, increasing funding for police, and protecting abortion. Val Demings was elected as a congresswoman in 2016 after the Supreme Court mandated the creation of a new, majority-black district in Orlando.

As of 11:20 A.M., Wednesday November 9th, one day after Election Day, Rubio has been projected to win the Senate election against Val Demings, with 99% of the vote having been counted. Rubio has won 57.7% of the vote to 41.3%.

As for the house, Republicans have picked up 20 seats, with Democrats picking up 8.

District 1: Matt Gaetz (R)

District 2: Neal Dunn (R)

District 3: Kat Cammack (R)

District 4: Aaron Bean (R)

District 5: John Rutherford (R)

District 6: Michael Waltz (R)

District 7: Cory Mills (R)

District 8: Bill Posey (R)

District 9: Darren Solo (D)

District 10: Maxwell Frost (D)

District 11: Daniel Webster (R)

District 12: Gus Bilirakis (R)

District 13: Anna Luna (R)

District 14: Kathy Castor (D)


In conclusion, Florida Republicans now have won the Senate election, picked up 20 seats (Democrats have picked up 8) in the house, and held onto the Governorship.