AI: The Face Of The Future


Yuichiro Chino

The future of technology has many expectations for what will come, like the AI

People that were alive 100 years ago would have never predicted what our world looks like today. With new medical advancements, improved technology, or self-driven vehicles, the world seems to be at its peak of success. But after the invention of AI, the world will have endless technological possibilities and new ideas that can improve the life of millions. Although A.I may seem like the face of the future, some believe that it could become a threat to humanity. 

A.I stands for “Artificial Intelligence,” it is a phenomenal technological invention designed to perform and operate like a human. AI has the ability to diagnose and find treatments to medical problems, conduct scientific research information, can be used for manufacturing and pharmaceutical work, along with many other helpful facilities. It can find a solution to almost every problem in a matter of seconds, providing accurate, precise information. With this said, it makes it easy for students to cheat on tests, removes the need for creativity, takes away job opportunities and causes people to lack social skills. 

Instead of having a human nurse, this AI  robot is used to take care of a newborn baby and it’s mother.

 A.I can create endless opportunities in this world and it has been a huge step forward when it comes to discovering new technologies, and new information. For example, with the use of A.I, medical professionals are able to detect cancers and illnesses early before it even becomes a problem.

Junior Rebecca Cleary says, “I think AI is a good thing, since it can probably be used to save a ton of people’s lives. Plus, actual doctors may not be able to figure out a problem before a computer can.”

In addition, according to Becker’s Hospital Review, “AI identifies spots in mammograms for physicians to inspect closely. An MIT study found the “technology was able to identify changes between mammograms and detect spots that were at risk of developing into cancer.”

This proves that AI can be extremely helpful to those who have medical problems. It can prevent medical illnesses from developing or keep them from spreading. The American Cancer Society shows that there are more than 1.9 million cancer cases per year, along with 600,000 deaths as a result. With AI, more than half of those cases could be reduced.  

AI robots are being used in factories and other facilities to make products instead of human workers.

Another example of how AI can benefit society is its ability to manufacture items using less money and workers to do so.

According to freshman Jonathan Quinones, “AI helps get jobs done, without people having to worry about doing something wrong or anything.”

To clarify, AI can be used to make jobs easier and will reduce data mistakes. states, “AI can conduct inventory tracking, collect data analytics, improve safety ratings, and enhance security efforts – all areas that are critical to a successful manufacturing process.”

This further proves that AI can make an immense difference in the world of production. Things can be made faster and more efficiently without having to spend vast amounts of money on payroll and materials. AI can reduce the time it takes to gather information, limit the amount of money having to be spent, and provides accurate, precise data for any topic being conversed.  

Students rely on phones to tell them answers instead of analyzing and solving the problem themselves.

On the other hand, AI has become a very powerful source of technology in today’s world, which could eventually lead it to take over humanity. Having AI to solve every problem for us can cause people to lack creativity and thought when it comes to making decisions and finding solutions.

According to, it states, “As AI becomes more advanced, it could become increasingly difficult for humans to compete with the speed and efficiency of machine generated creative works. This could lead to a decrease in the demand for human creatives and a devaluation of the creative process.”

In other words, before the invention of AI, people had to rely on books and personal experiments to tell them how to handle a situation.

Junior, Bella Ricciotti states, “I think people, students especially, aren’t really using their imagination or being creative anymore. They rely too much on the internet to give them answers.”

With this said, people no longer have the desire to be innovative since they can have any problem resolved faster and most likely, more efficiently with the help of AI. This creates an even bigger problem besides an absence of creativity or poor social skills; and that is the increasing unemployment rates.

Since AI has such remarkable technological abilities, it can take any professional job, that would normally take years perfect and gain education for. Jobs AI has replaced or will replace over the years include, doctors, scientists, psychiatrists, manufacturers, teachers, accountants, and many more.

New technologies are replacing people for jobs

To add on, shows, “Automation has the potential to eliminate 73 million US jobs by 2030, which would equate to a staggering 46% of the current jobs.”

This further explains that AI can and will become a threat to most people in the future who are looking for a stable and productive job. “I’ve wanted to become a doctor for a very long time. To think that all my hard work and dedication might be replaced by a robot in the future, is so upsetting to me.” Freshman, Isabella Prieto states. Based on this statement, one can conclude that AI robots take away more possibilities than they create, which is both troubling and threatening.

On the whole, AI could either benefit or detriment society. Although it may solve many problems for the world such as preventing illnesses or finding accurate scientific information, it could also cause many problems such as influencing humans to lack intelligence and creativity. Ultimately, AI is either going to become a step forward, or step backward for the future of humanity.