Player Profile: Nicholas Williams


Nicholas Williams team photo

The JV basketball team has a hopeful season ahead of them with their first game win against Sunlake 55-45, another win agisnt Ze an energized school behind them, and a powerful starting roaster its looking good for the Wildcats. Nicholas Williams is a sophomore with hopes to go to a good college further his education and basketball career, and support his family. Nicholas has been playing basketball since he was little, he’s always had a love for the sport and everything that comes along with it. He has a strong work ethic and is goal-oriented, ready to reach his goals through hard work, determination, and discipline. The JV basketball team has 13 games ahead of them. The most anticipated game being against our rivals Wiregrass Ranch on January 3rd. We are even more excited to see what Nicholas can do this season.

Q. What position do you play and how do you play said position?

A. the position I play is point guard, its like being a floor general, basically your job is to tell everyone where to go and what to do on the court.

Q. What classes do you take?

A. Some of the classes I take are English 2 honors, Weight training 1, I take world history, Biology 1 honors, Journalism 1, and then Geometry honors.

Q. Explain what made you get into basketball.

A. I mean I’ve always been doing it since I was little, basketball is something I’ve always enjoyed doing when and where I could. And I just got a love for, I don’t know where it came from but yeah I’ve always been playing

Q. What are your hopes for your future in basketball?

A. Definitely wanna go to a good college for basketball so I can keep playing and improving on my skills, and hopefully I can keep my grades up this year.

Q. How do you motivate yourself?

A. Well, I wanna be able to put my family in a better position than were currently in and help my mom out with everything she does a lot more in the future.

Q. Do you find it difficult to balance sports and classes?

A. For sure its definitely the hardest thing for someone to balance like, its only 24 hours in a day and to be honest like half of it is spent sleeping so its really hard to find time to get anything done.

Q. What do you enjoy most abut your sport?

A. Probably the bonding and teamwork you get, you experience so much from being on a team. You gotta learn from your teammates and coach. And communicate with them.


-We have an exciting season of basketball ahead of us and we cant wait to see more from Nicholas in the future, along with many other hard-working athletes-